Draw Io Log in Attempts Failed Please Try Again Later

"Fossies" - the Fresh Open Source Software Archive

Fellow member "drawio-18.0.7/src/main/webapp/resources/dia_mr.txt" (17 May 2022, 41580 Bytes) of package /linux/world wide web/drawio-xviii.0.seven.tar.gz:

As a special service "Fossies" has tried to format the requested text file into HTML format (manner: standard) with prefixed line numbers. Alternatively you tin here view or download the uninterpreted source code file. See likewise the last Fossies "Diffs" side-by-side code changes report for "dia_mr.txt": 18.0.3_vs_18.0.4.

                  1        # *Do Not DIRECTLY EDIT THIS FILE, IT IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED AND IT IS BASED ON:*                  2        # https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmQEO36liL4FdDJLWVNMaVV2UmRKSnpXU09MYkdGbEE                  three        about=About                  four        aboutDrawio=About draw.io                  5        accessDenied=Access Denied                  6        activeness=Activity                  vii        actualSize=Actual Size                  viii        add=Add                  nine        addAccount=Add business relationship                  10        addedFile=Added {one}                  11        addImages=Add together Images                  12        addImageUrl=Add Paradigm URL                  13        addLayer=Add together Layer                  14        addProperty=Add Holding                  15        accost=Address                  16        addToExistingDrawing=Add together to Existing Drawing                  17        addWaypoint=Add Waypoint                  18        adjustTo=Arrange to                  19        advanced=Advanced                  twenty        align=Align                  21        alignment=Alignment                  22        allChangesLost=All changes volition exist lost!                  23        allPages=All Pages                  24        allProjects=All Projects                  25        allSpaces=All Spaces                  26        allTags=All Tags                  27        ballast=Ballast                  28        android=Android                  29        bending=Angle                  30        arc=Arc                  31        areYouSure=Are you sure?                  32        ensureDataSaved=Please ensure your information is saved before closing.                  33        allChangesSaved=All changes saved                  34        allChangesSavedInDrive=All changes saved in Drive                  35        allowPopups=Allow popular-ups to avert this dialog.                  36        allowRelativeUrl=Allow relative URL                  37        alreadyConnected=Nodes already continued                  38        apply=Apply                  39        archiMate21=ArchiMate 2.1                  twoscore        suit=Arrange                  41        arrow=Arrow                  42        arrows=Arrows                  43        asNew=As New                  44        atlas=Atlas                  45        writer=Writer                  46        authorizationRequired=Authorization required                  47        authorizeThisAppIn=Authorize this app in {one}:                  48        authorize=Authorize                  49        authorizing=Authorizing                  50        automatic=Automatic                  51        autosave=Autosave                  52        autosize=Autosize                  53        attachments=Attachments                  54        aws=AWS                  55        aws3d=AWS 3D                  56        azure=Azure                  57        back=Dorsum                  58        background=Background                  59        backgroundColor=Groundwork Color                  60        backgroundImage=Background Image                  61        basic=Basic                  62        beta=beta                  63        blankDrawing=Bare Cartoon                  64        blankDiagram=Blank Diagram                  65        block=Block                  66        blockquote=Blockquote                  67        weblog=Weblog                  68        bold=Bold                  69        bootstrap=Bootstrap                  70        edge=Edge                  71        borderColor=Border Color                  72        borderWidth=Edge Width                  73        bottom=Lesser                  74        bottomAlign=Bottom Align                  75        bottomLeft=Lesser Left                  76        bottomRight=Bottom Right                  77        bpmn=BPMN                  78        bringForward=Bring Forward                  79        browser=Browser                  fourscore        bulletedList=Bulleted List                  81        business=Business concern                  82        busy=Operation in progress                  83        cabinets=Cabinets                  84        cancel=Cancel                  85        heart=Middle                  86        cannotLoad=Load attempts failed. Please try again afterward.                  87        cannotLogin=Log in attempts failed. Please try once more after.                  88        cannotOpenFile=Cannot open up file                  89        change=Modify                  90        changeOrientation=Modify Orientation                  91        changeUser=Change user                  92        changeStorage=Modify storage                  93        changesNotSaved=Changes have not been saved                  94        classDiagram=Class Diagram                  95        userJoined={1} has joined                  96        userLeft={1} has left                  97        chatWindowTitle=Conversation                  98        chooseAnOption=Choose an option                  99        chromeApp=Chrome App                  100        collaborativeEditingNotice=Important Notice for Collaborative Editing                  101        compare=Compare                  102        compressed=Compressed                  103        commitMessage=Commit Bulletin                  104        configLinkWarn=This link configures describe.io. Simply click OK if you trust whoever gave you it!                  105        configLinkConfirm=Click OK to configure and restart draw.io.                  106        container=Container                  107        csv=CSV                  108        dark=Dark                  109        diagramXmlDesc=XML File                  110        diagramHtmlDesc=HTML File                  111        diagramPngDesc=Editable Bitmap Prototype                  112        diagramSvgDesc=Editable Vector Image                  113        didYouMeanToExportToPdf=Did you lot hateful to export to PDF?                  114        draftFound=A draft for '{1}' has been found. Load it into the editor or discard it to continue.                  115        draftRevisionMismatch=There is a unlike version of this diagram on a shared draft of this page. Delight edit the diagram from the typhoon to ensure y'all are working with the latest version.                  116        selectDraft=Select a draft to go along editing:                  117        dragAndDropNotSupported=Drag and drop not supported for images. Would yous like to import instead?                  118        dropboxCharsNotAllowed=The following characters are not allowed: \ / : ? * " |                  119        check=Bank check                  120        checksum=Checksum                  121        circumvolve=Circle                  122        cisco=Cisco                  123        classic=Archetype                  124        clearDefaultStyle=Clear Default Style                  125        clearWaypoints=Articulate Waypoints                  126        clipart=Clipart                  127        close=Close                  128        closingFile=Endmost file                  129        realtimeCollaboration=Real-Fourth dimension Collaboration                  130        collaborator=Collaborator                  131        collaborators=Collaborators                  132        collapse=Collapse                  133        collapseExpand=Collapse/Expand                  134        plummet-expand=Click to collapse/expand\nShift-click to move neighbors \nAlt-click to protect group size                  135        collapsible=Collapsible                  136        comic=Comic                  137        comment=Annotate                  138        commentsNotes=Comments/Notes                  139        shrink=Compress                  140        configuration=Configuration                  141        connect=Connect                  142        connecting=Connecting                  143        connectWithDrive=Connect with Google Drive                  144        connection=Connection                  145        connectionArrows=Connection Arrows                  146        connectionPoints=Connection Points                  147        constrainProportions=Constrain Proportions                  148        containsValidationErrors=Contains validation errors                  149        copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard                  150        copy=Re-create                  151        copyConnect=Copy on connect                  152        copyCreated=A copy of the file was created.                  153        copyData=Copy Information                  154        copyOf=Copy of {one}                  155        copyOfDrawing=Copy of Drawing                  156        copySize=Copy Size                  157        copyStyle=Copy Way                  158        create=Create                  159        createNewDiagram=Create New Diagram                  160        createRevision=Create Revision                  161        createShape=Create Shape                  162        crop=Crop                  163        curved=Curved                  164        custom=Custom                  165        electric current=Current                  166        currentPage=Electric current page                  167        cut=Cut                  168        dashed=Dashed                  169        decideLater=Decide afterward                  170        default=Default                  171        delete=Delete                  172        deleteColumn=Delete Column                  173        deleteLibrary401=Bereft permissions to delete this library                  174        deleteLibrary404=Selected library could not be plant                  175        deleteLibrary500=Error deleting library                  176        deleteLibraryConfirm=You lot are most to permanently delete this library. Are you lot certain you lot desire to exercise this?                  177        deleteRow=Delete Row                  178        description=Description                  179        device=Device                  180        diagram=Diagram                  181        diagramContent=Diagram Content                  182        diagramLocked=Diagram has been locked to forestall further information loss.                  183        diagramLockedBySince=The diagram is locked past {1} since {ii} ago                  184        diagramName=Diagram Name                  185        diagramIsPublic=Diagram is public                  186        diagramIsNotPublic=Diagram is not public                  187        diamond=Diamond                  188        diamondThin=Diamond (thin)                  189        didYouKnow=Did you know...                  190        direction=Management                  191        discard=Discard                  192        discardChangesAndReconnect=Discard Changes and Reconnect                  193        googleDriveMissingClickHere=Google Drive missing? Click here!                  194        discardChanges=Discard Changes                  195        disconnected=Disconnected                  196        distribute=Distribute                  197        washed=Done                  198        doNotShowAgain=Exercise not testify again                  199        dotted=Dotted                  200        doubleClickOrientation=Doubleclick to change orientation                  201        doubleClickTooltip=Doubleclick to insert text                  202        doubleClickChangeProperty=Doubleclick to modify property name                  203        download=Download                  204        downloadDesktop=Get Desktop                  205        downloadAs=Download equally                  206        clickHereToSave=Click here to salve.                  207        dpi=DPI                  208        draftDiscarded=Typhoon discarded                  209        draftSaved=Draft saved                  210        dragElementsHere=Drag elements hither                  211        dragImagesHere=Drag images or URLs here                  212        dragUrlsHere=Drag URLs here                  213        draw.io=describe.io                  214        cartoon=Drawing{one}                  215        drawingEmpty=Drawing is empty                  216        drawingTooLarge=Drawing is also large                  217        drawioForWork=Draw.io for GSuite                  218        dropbox=Dropbox                  219        duplicate=Duplicate                  220        duplicateIt=Duplicate {1}                  221        divider=Divider                  222        dx=Dx                  223        dy=Dy                  224        east=East                  225        edit=Edit                  226        editData=Edit Data                  227        editDiagram=Edit Diagram                  228        editGeometry=Edit Geometry                  229        editImage=Edit Epitome                  230        editImageUrl=Edit Image URL                  231        editLink=Edit Link                  232        editShape=Edit Shape                  233        editStyle=Edit Mode                  234        editText=Edit Text                  235        editTooltip=Edit Tooltip                  236        drinking glass=Glass                  237        googleImages=Google Images                  238        imageSearch=Prototype Search                  239        eip=EIP                  240        embed=Embed                  241        embedFonts=Embed Fonts                  242        embedImages=Embed Images                  243        mainEmbedNotice=Paste this into the page                  244        electrical=Electrical                  245        ellipse=Ellipse                  246        embedNotice=Paste this once at the cease of the folio                  247        enterGroup=Enter Group                  248        enterName=Enter Proper noun                  249        enterPropertyName=Enter Property Name                  250        enterValue=Enter Value                  251        entityRelation=Entity Relation                  252        entityRelationshipDiagram=Entity Relationship Diagram                  253        error=Fault                  254        errorDeletingFile=Error deleting file                  255        errorLoadingFile=Error loading file                  256        errorRenamingFile=Error renaming file                  257        errorRenamingFileNotFound=Fault renaming file. File was non found.                  258        errorRenamingFileForbidden=Fault renaming file. Bereft access rights.                  259        errorSavingDraft=Fault saving draft                  260        errorSavingFile=Error saving file                  261        errorSavingFileUnknown=Fault authorizing with Google's servers. Please refresh the page to re-attempt.                  262        errorSavingFileForbidden=Error saving file. Insufficient access rights.                  263        errorSavingFileNameConflict=Could not save diagram. Current folio already contains file named '{1}'.                  264        errorSavingFileNotFound=Error saving file. File was not found.                  265        errorSavingFileReadOnlyMode=Could not save diagram while read-only fashion is active.                  266        errorSavingFileSessionTimeout=Your session has ended. Please <a target='_blank' href='{1}'>{2}</a> and return to this tab to endeavour to save again.                  267        errorSendingFeedback=Error sending feedback.                  268        errorUpdatingPreview=Error updating preview.                  269        exit=Exit                  270        exitGroup=Exit Group                  271        expand=Aggrandize                  272        export=Export                  273        exporting=Exporting                  274        exportAs=Export every bit                  275        exportOptionsDisabled=Export options disabled                  276        exportOptionsDisabledDetails=The owner has disabled options to download, impress or copy for commenters and viewers on this file.                  277        externalChanges=External Changes                  278        extras=Extras                  279        facebook=Facebook                  280        failedToSaveTryReconnect=Failed to save, trying to reconnect                  281        featureRequest=Feature Request                  282        feedback=Feedback                  283        feedbackSent=Feedback successfully sent.                  284        floorplans=Floorplans                  285        file=File                  286        fileChangedOverwriteDialog=The file has been modified. Exercise yous want to save the file and overwrite those changes?                  287        fileChangedSyncDialog=The file has been modified.                  288        fileChangedSync=The file has been modified. Click here to synchronize.                  289        overwrite=Overwrite                  290        synchronize=Synchronize                  291        filename=Filename                  292        fileExists=File already exists                  293        fileMovedToTrash=File was moved to trash                  294        fileNearlyFullSeeFaq=File nearly total, delight run into FAQ                  295        fileNotFound=File not found                  296        repositoryNotFound=Repository non found                  297        fileNotFoundOrDenied=The file was not found. It does non exist or you practice not have access.                  298        fileNotLoaded=File non loaded                  299        fileNotSaved=File non saved                  300        fileOpenLocation=How would you like to open these file(s)?                  301        filetypeHtml=.html causes file to save every bit HTML with redirect to cloud URL                  302        filetypePng=.png causes file to salvage equally PNG with embedded data                  303        filetypeSvg=.svg causes file to save every bit SVG with embedded data                  304        fileWillBeSavedInAppFolder={one} volition exist saved in the app folder.                  305        fill=Fill up                  306        fillColor=Fill up Colour                  307        filterCards=Filter Cards                  308        find=Find                  309        fit=Fit                  310        fitContainer=Resize Container                  311        fitIntoContainer=Fit into Container                  312        fitPage=Fit Page                  313        fitPageWidth=Fit Page Width                  314        fitTo=Fit to                  315        fitToSheetsAcross=sheet(s) across                  316        fitToBy=by                  317        fitToSheetsDown=sheet(s) down                  318        fitTwoPages=Two Pages                  319        fitWindow=Fit Window                  320        flip=Flip                  321        flipH=Flip Horizontal                  322        flipV=Flip Vertical                  323        flowchart=Flowchart                  324        folder=Folder                  325        font=Font                  326        fontColor=Font Color                  327        fontFamily=Font Family unit                  328        fontSize=Font Size                  329        forbidden=You lot are not authorized to access this file                  330        format=Format                  331        formatPanel=Format Panel                  332        formatted=Formatted                  333        formattedText=Formatted Text                  334        formatPng=PNG                  335        formatGif=GIF                  336        formatJpg=JPEG                  337        formatPdf=PDF                  338        formatSql=SQL                  339        formatSvg=SVG                  340        formatHtmlEmbedded=HTML                  341        formatSvgEmbedded=SVG (with XML)                  342        formatVsdx=VSDX                  343        formatVssx=VSSX                  344        formatXmlPlain=XML (Plain)                  345        formatXml=XML                  346        forum=Give-and-take/Help Forums                  347        freehand=Freehand                  348        fromTemplate=From Template                  349        fromTemplateUrl=From Template URL                  350        fromText=From Text                  351        fromUrl=From URL                  352        fromThisPage=From this page                  353        fullscreen=Fullscreen                  354        gap=Gap                  355        gcp=GCP                  356        general=General                  357        getNotionChromeExtension=Go the Notion Chrome Extension                  358        github=GitHub                  359        gitlab=GitLab                  360        gliffy=Gliffy                  361        global=Global                  362        googleDocs=Google Docs                  363        googleDrive=Google Drive                  364        googleGadget=Google Gadget                  365        googlePlus=Google+                  366        googleSharingNotAvailable=Sharing is but bachelor via Google Bulldoze. Please click Open below and share from the more actions carte du jour:                  367        googleSlides=Google Slides                  368        googleSites=Google Sites                  369        googleSheets=Google Sheets                  370        gradient=Gradient                  371        gradientColor=Color                  372        grid=Grid                  373        gridColor=Grid Color                  374        gridSize=Grid Size                  375        group=Group                  376        guides=Guides                  377        hateApp=I hate draw.io                  378        heading=Heading                  379        height=Height                  380        assistance=Help                  381        helpTranslate=Help usa interpret this application                  382        hibernate=Hide                  383        hideIt=Hibernate {1}                  384        subconscious=Subconscious                  385        domicile=Habitation                  386        horizontal=Horizontal                  387        horizontalFlow=Horizontal Flow                  388        horizontalTree=Horizontal Tree                  389        howTranslate=How expert is the translation in your language?                  390        html=HTML                  391        htmlText=HTML Text                  392        id=ID                  393        iframe=IFrame                  394        ignore=Ignore                  395        image=Image                  396        imageUrl=Image URL                  397        images=Images                  398        imagePreviewError=This prototype couldn't exist loaded for preview. Please bank check the URL.                  399        imageTooBig=Image likewise big                  400        imgur=Imgur                  401        import=Import                  402        importFrom=Import from                  403        includeCopyOfMyDiagram=Include a copy of my diagram                  404        increaseIndent=Increase Indent                  405        decreaseIndent=Decrease Indent                  406        insert=Insert                  407        insertColumnBefore=Insert Column Left                  408        insertColumnAfter=Insert Column Right                  409        insertEllipse=Insert Ellipse                  410        insertImage=Insert Image                  411        insertHorizontalRule=Insert Horizontal Rule                  412        insertLink=Insert Link                  413        insertPage=Insert Page                  414        insertRectangle=Insert Rectangle                  415        insertRhombus=Insert Rhombus                  416        insertRowBefore=Insert Row Above                  417        insertRowAfter=Insert Row Later on                  418        insertText=Insert Text                  419        inserting=Inserting                  420        installApp=Install App                  421        invalidFilename=Diagram names must non contain the post-obit characters: \ / | : ; { } < > & + ? = "                  422        invalidLicenseSeeThisPage=Your license is invalid, please run into this <a target="_blank" href="https://back up.draw.io/display/DFCS/Licensing+your+draw.io+plugin">page</a>.                  423        invalidInput=Invalid input                  424        invalidName=Invalid name                  425        invalidOrMissingFile=Invalid or missing file                  426        invalidPublicUrl=Invalid public URL                  427        isometric=Isometric                  428        ios=iOS                  429        italic=Italic                  430        kennedy=Kennedy                  431        keyboardShortcuts=Keyboard Shortcuts                  432        labels=Labels                  433        layers=Layers                  434        landscape=Landscape                  435        linguistic communication=Linguistic communication                  436        leanMapping=Lean Mapping                  437        lastChange=Last change {i} ago                  438        lessThanAMinute=less than a minute                  439        licensingError=Licensing Error                  440        licenseHasExpired=The license for {1} has expired on {ii}. Click here.                  441        licenseRequired=This feature requires draw.io to be licensed.                  442        licenseWillExpire=The license for {1} will expire on {ii}. Click here.                  443        lineJumps=Line jumps                  444        linkAccountRequired=If the diagram is non public a Google account is required to view the link.                  445        linkText=Link Text                  446        list=List                  447        infinitesimal=minute                  448        minutes=minutes                  449        hours=hours                  450        days=days                  451        months=months                  452        years=years                  453        restartForChangeRequired=Changes will take effect after a restart of the application.                  454        laneColor=Lanecolor                  455        lastModified=Terminal modified                  456        layout=Layout                  457        left=Left                  458        leftAlign=Left Align                  459        leftToRight=Left to right                  460        libraryTooltip=Elevate and drop shapes here or click + to insert. Double click to edit.                  461        lightbox=Lightbox                  462        line=Line                  463        lineend=Line end                  464        lineheight=Line Height                  465        linestart=Line outset                  466        linewidth=Linewidth                  467        link=Link                  468        links=Links                  469        loading=Loading                  470        lockUnlock=Lock/Unlock                  471        loggedOut=Logged Out                  472        logIn=log in                  473        loveIt=I dear {1}                  474        lucidchart=Lucidchart                  475        maps=Maps                  476        mathematicalTypesetting=Mathematical Typesetting                  477        makeCopy=Make a Copy                  478        manual=Manual                  479        merge=Merge                  480        mermaid=Mermaid                  481        microsoftOffice=Microsoft Office                  482        microsoftExcel=Microsoft Excel                  483        microsoftPowerPoint=Microsoft PowerPoint                  484        microsoftWord=Microsoft Give-and-take                  485        middle=Middle                  486        minimal=Minimal                  487        misc=Misc                  488        mockups=Mockups                  489        modificationDate=Modification engagement                  490        modifiedBy=Modified by                  491        more than=More                  492        moreResults=More than Results                  493        moreShapes=More Shapes                  494        motility=Move                  495        moveToFolder=Move to Binder                  496        moving=Moving                  497        moveSelectionTo=Move selection to {1}                  498        proper noun=Name                  499        navigation=Navigation                  500        network=Network                  501        networking=Networking                  502        new=New                  503        newLibrary=New Library                  504        nextPage=Next Page                  505        no=नाही                  506        noPickFolder=No, pick folder                  507        noAttachments=No attachments found                  508        noColor=No Color                  509        noFiles=No Files                  510        noFileSelected=No file selected                  511        noLibraries=No libraries found                  512        noMoreResults=No more results                  513        none=None                  514        noOtherViewers=No other viewers                  515        noPlugins=No plugins                  516        noPreview=No preview                  517        noResponse=No response from server                  518        noResultsFor=No results for '{one}'                  519        noRevisions=No revisions                  520        noSearchResults=No search results plant                  521        noPageContentOrNotSaved=No anchors found on this folio or it hasn't been saved notwithstanding                  522        normal=Normal                  523        north=Due north                  524        notADiagramFile=Non a diagram file                  525        notALibraryFile=Not a library file                  526        notAvailable=Not available                  527        notAUtf8File=Non a UTF-eight file                  528        notConnected=Not continued                  529        note=Note                  530        notion=Notion                  531        notSatisfiedWithImport=Not satisfied with the import?                  532        notUsingService=Not using {1}?                  533        numberedList=Numbered list                  534        offline=Offline                  535        ok=OK                  536        oneDrive=OneDrive                  537        online=Online                  538        opacity=Opacity                  539        open=Open                  540        openArrow=Open Arrow                  541        openExistingDiagram=Open up Existing Diagram                  542        openFile=Open File                  543        openFrom=Open up from                  544        openLibrary=Open Library                  545        openLibraryFrom=Open up Library from                  546        openLink=Open Link                  547        openInNewWindow=Open in New Window                  548        openInThisWindow=Open in This Window                  549        openIt=Open {one}                  550        openRecent=Open Recent                  551        openSupported=Supported formats are files saved from this software (.xml), .vsdx and .gliffy                  552        options=Options                  553        organic=Organic                  554        orgChart=Org Chart                  555        orthogonal=Orthogonal                  556        otherViewer=other viewer                  557        otherViewers=other viewers                  558        outline=Outline                  559        oval=Oval                  560        folio=Page                  561        pageContent=Page Content                  562        pageNotFound=Folio non found                  563        pageWithNumber=Page-{one}                  564        pages=Pages                  565        pageView=Page View                  566        pageSetup=Folio Setup                  567        pageScale=Page Scale                  568        pan=Pan                  569        panTooltip=Space+Elevate to pan                  570        paperSize=Paper Size                  571        pattern=Pattern                  572        parallels=Parallels                  573        paste=Paste                  574        pasteData=Paste Data                  575        pasteHere=Paste here                  576        pasteSize=Paste Size                  577        pasteStyle=Paste Style                  578        perimeter=Perimeter                  579        permissionAnyone=Anyone tin can edit                  580        permissionAuthor=Possessor and admins tin edit                  581        pickFolder=Selection a folder                  582        pickLibraryDialogTitle=Select Library                  583        publicDiagramUrl=Public URL of the diagram                  584        placeholders=Placeholders                  585        plantUml=PlantUML                  586        plugins=Plugins                  587        pluginUrl=Plugin URL                  588        pluginWarning=The folio has requested to load the following plugin(due south):\n \n {1}\n \n Would you like to load these plugin(s) now?\n \n Note : But permit plugins to run if you fully understand the security implications of doing so.\n                  589        plusTooltip=Click to connect and clone (ctrl+click to clone, shift+click to connect). Drag to connect (ctrl+drag to clone).                  590        portrait=Portrait                  591        position=Position                  592        posterPrint=Affiche Print                  593        preferences=Preferences                  594        preview=Preview                  595        previousPage=Previous Page                  596        print=Impress                  597        printAllPages=Print All Pages                  598        procEng=Proc. Eng.                  599        project=Projection                  600        priority=Priority                  601        properties=Properties                  602        publish=Publish                  603        quickStart=Quick Start Video                  604        rack=Rack                  605        radial=Radial                  606        radialTree=Radial Tree                  607        readOnly=Read-only                  608        reconnecting=Reconnecting                  609        recentlyUpdated=Recently Updated                  610        recentlyViewed=Recently Viewed                  611        rectangle=Rectangle                  612        redirectToNewApp=This file was created or modified in a newer version of this app. Y'all will exist redirected now.                  613        realtimeTimeout=It looks similar you've made a few changes while offline. We're lamentable, these changes cannot exist saved.                  614        redo=Redo                  615        refresh=Refresh                  616        regularExpression=Regular Expression                  617        relative=Relative                  618        relativeUrlNotAllowed=Relative URL not allowed                  619        rememberMe=Recollect me                  620        rememberThisSetting=Remember this setting                  621        removeFormat=Clear Formatting                  622        removeFromGroup=Remove from Group                  623        removeIt=Remove {1}                  624        removeWaypoint=Remove Waypoint                  625        rename=Rename                  626        renamed=Renamed                  627        renameIt=Rename {1}                  628        renaming=Renaming                  629        supercede=Replace                  630        replaceIt={1} already exists. Do you desire to supplant it?                  631        replaceExistingDrawing=Supervene upon existing cartoon                  632        required=required                  633        reset=Reset                  634        resetView=Reset View                  635        resize=Resize                  636        resizeLargeImages=Do y'all desire to resize big images to make the application run faster?                  637        retina=Retina                  638        responsive=Responsive                  639        restore=Restore                  640        restoring=Restoring                  641        retryingIn=Retrying in {1} 2nd(southward)                  642        retryingLoad=Load failed. Retrying...                  643        retryingLogin=Login time out. Retrying...                  644        opposite=Reverse                  645        revision=Revision                  646        revisionHistory=Revision History                  647        rhombus=Rhombus                  648        right=Right                  649        rightAlign=Right Marshal                  650        rightToLeft=Right to left                  651        rotate=Rotate                  652        rotateTooltip=Click and drag to rotate, click to turn shape but by ninety degrees                  653        rotation=Rotation                  654        rounded=Rounded                  655        save=Relieve                  656        saveAndExit=Save & Leave                  657        saveAs=Save as                  658        saveAsXmlFile=Save every bit XML file?                  659        saved=Saved                  660        saveDiagramFirst=Delight save the diagram first                  661        saveDiagramsTo=Salve diagrams to                  662        saveLibrary403=Bereft permissions to edit this library                  663        saveLibrary500=At that place was an error while saving the library                  664        saveLibraryReadOnly=Could not save library while read-only mode is agile                  665        saving=Saving                  666        scratchpad=Scratchpad                  667        scrollbars=Scrollbars                  668        search=Search                  669        searchShapes=Search Shapes                  670        selectAll=Select All                  671        selectionOnly=Selection Only                  672        selectCard=Select Carte                  673        selectEdges=Select Edges                  674        selectFile=Select File                  675        selectFolder=Select Folder                  676        selectFont=Select Font                  677        selectNone=Select None                  678        selectTemplate=Select Template                  679        selectVertices=Select Vertices                  680        sendBackward=Ship Astern                  681        sendMessage=Send                  682        sendYourFeedback=Transport your feedback                  683        serviceUnavailableOrBlocked=Service unavailable or blocked                  684        sessionExpired=Your session has expired. Delight refresh the browser window.                  685        sessionTimeoutOnSave=Your session has timed out and you have been disconnected from the Google Drive. Printing OK to login and save.                  686        setAsDefaultStyle=Ready as Default Way                  687        shadow=Shadow                  688        shape=Shape                  689        shapes=Shapes                  690        share=Share                  691        shareCursor=Share Mouse Cursor                  692        shareLink=Link for shared editing                  693        sharingAvailable=Sharing available for Google Drive and OneDrive files.                  694        sharp=Sharp                  695        testify=Show                  696        showRemoteCursors=Prove Remote Mouse Cursors                  697        showStartScreen=Testify Start Screen                  698        sidebarTooltip=Click to expand. Drag and drop shapes into the diagram. Shift+click to change selection. Alt+click to insert and connect.                  699        signs=Signs                  700        signOut=Sign out                  701        simple=Simple                  702        simpleArrow=Uncomplicated Pointer                  703        simpleViewer=Simple Viewer                  704        size=Size                  705        sketch=Sketch                  706        snapToGrid=Snap to Filigree                  707        solid=Solid                  708        sourceSpacing=Source Spacing                  709        south=S                  710        software=Software                  711        space=Space                  712        spacing=Spacing                  713        specialLink=Special Link                  714        standard=Standard                  715        startDrawing=Start drawing                  716        stopDrawing=Stop drawing                  717        starting=Starting                  718        straight=Straight                  719        strikethrough=Strikethrough                  720        strokeColor=Line Colour                  721        way=Style                  722        subscript=Subscript                  723        summary=Summary                  724        superscript=Superscript                  725        support=Support                  726        swimlaneDiagram=Swimlane Diagram                  727        sysml=SysML                  728        tags=Tags                  729        table=Table                  730        tables=Tables                  731        takeOver=Accept Over                  732        targetSpacing=Target Spacing                  733        template=Template                  734        templates=Templates                  735        text=Text                  736        textAlignment=Text Alignment                  737        textOpacity=Text Opacity                  738        theme=Theme                  739        timeout=Timeout                  740        championship=Title                  741        to=to                  742        toBack=To Dorsum                  743        toFront=To Forepart                  744        tooLargeUseDownload=Besides large, use download instead.                  745        toolbar=Toolbar                  746        tooltips=Tooltips                  747        top=Top                  748        topAlign=Top Align                  749        topLeft=Top Left                  750        topRight=Top Right                  751        transparent=Transparent                  752        transparentBackground=Transparent Background                  753        trello=Trello                  754        tryAgain=Try again                  755        tryOpeningViaThisPage=Try opening via this page                  756        plow=Rotate shape merely by ninety°                  757        type=Type                  758        twitter=Twitter                  759        uml=UML                  760        underline=Underline                  761        undo=Undo                  762        ungroup=Ungroup                  763        unmerge=Unmerge                  764        unsavedChanges=Unsaved changes                  765        unsavedChangesClickHereToSave=Unsaved changes. Click here to save.                  766        untitled=Untitled                  767        untitledDiagram=Untitled Diagram                  768        untitledLayer=Untitled Layer                  769        untitledLibrary=Untitled Library                  770        unknownError=Unknown error                  771        updateFile=Update {1}                  772        updatingDocument=Updating Certificate. Delight expect...                  773        updatingPreview=Updating Preview. Please wait...                  774        updatingSelection=Updating Selection. Please wait...                  775        upload=Upload                  776        url=URL                  777        useOffline=Employ Offline                  778        useRootFolder=Use root folder?                  779        userManual=User Manual                  780        vertical=Vertical                  781        verticalFlow=Vertical Flow                  782        verticalTree=Vertical Tree                  783        view=View                  784        viewerSettings=Viewer Settings                  785        viewUrl=Link to view: {ane}                  786        voiceAssistant=Voice Assistant (beta)                  787        alarm=Warning                  788        waypoints=Waypoints                  789        w=W                  790        width=Width                  791        wiki=Wiki                  792        wordWrap=Word Wrap                  793        writingDirection=Writing Management                  794        yep=हो                  795        yourEmailAddress=Your email accost                  796        zoom=Zoom                  797        zoomIn=Zoom In                  798        zoomOut=Zoom Out                  799        bones=Bones                  800        businessprocess=Business Processes                  801        charts=Charts                  802        technology=Engineering                  803        flowcharts=Flowcharts                  804        gmdl=Material Design                  805        mindmaps=Mindmaps                  806        mockups=Mockups                  807        networkdiagrams=Network Diagrams                  808        nothingIsSelected=Nothing is selected                  809        other=Other                  810        softwaredesign=Software Design                  811        venndiagrams=Venn Diagrams                  812        webEmailOrOther=Web, email or whatsoever other net accost                  813        webLink=Spider web Link                  814        wireframes=Wireframes                  815        property=Property                  816        value=Value                  817        showMore=Evidence More than                  818        showLess=Show Less                  819        myDiagrams=My Diagrams                  820        allDiagrams=All Diagrams                  821        recentlyUsed=Recently used                  822        listView=List view                  823        gridView=Grid view                  824        resultsFor=Results for '{1}'                  825        oneDriveCharsNotAllowed=The following characters are non allowed: ~ " # %  * : < > ? / \ { | }                  826        oneDriveInvalidDeviceName=The specified device name is invalid                  827        officeNotLoggedOD=Y'all are not logged in to OneDrive. Please open depict.io chore pane and login first.                  828        officeSelectSingleDiag=Please select a single draw.io diagram only without other contents.                  829        officeSelectDiag=Delight select a draw.io diagram.                  830        officeCannotFindDiagram=Cannot find a draw.io diagram in the selection                  831        noDiagrams=No diagrams institute                  832        authFailed=Authentication failed                  833        officeFailedAuthMsg=Unable to successfully authenticate user or qualify application.                  834        convertingDiagramFailed=Converting diagram failed                  835        officeCopyImgErrMsg=Due to some limitations in the host application, the image could not be inserted. Please manually copy the image then paste it to the document.                  836        insertingImageFailed=Inserting image failed                  837        officeCopyImgInst=Instructions: Correct-click the paradigm below. Select "Copy image" from the context menu. So, in the document, right-click and select "Paste" from the context menu.                  838        folderEmpty=Folder is empty                  839        recent=Recent                  840        sharedWithMe=Shared With Me                  841        sharepointSites=Sharepoint Sites                  842        errorFetchingFolder=Fault fetching folder items                  843        errorAuthOD=Error authenticating to OneDrive                  844        officeMainHeader=Adds draw.io diagrams to your document.                  845        officeStepsHeader=This add-in performs the following steps:                  846        officeStep1=Connects to Microsoft OneDrive, Google Bulldoze or your device.                  847        officeStep2=Select a draw.io diagram.                  848        officeStep3=Insert the diagram into the document.                  849        officeAuthPopupInfo=Delight complete the authentication in the pop-up window.                  850        officeSelDiag=Select depict.io Diagram:                  851        files=Files                  852        shared=Shared                  853        sharepoint=Sharepoint                  854        officeManualUpdateInst=Instructions: Copy describe.io diagram from the certificate. And then, in the box beneath, correct-click and select "Paste" from the context menu.                  855        officeClickToEdit=Click icon to start editing:                  856        pasteDiagram=Paste depict.io diagram here                  857        connectOD=Connect to OneDrive                  858        selectChildren=Select Children                  859        selectSiblings=Select Siblings                  860        selectParent=Select Parent                  861        selectDescendants=Select Descendants                  862        lastSaved=Last saved {1} ago                  863        resolve=Resolve                  864        reopen=Re-open up                  865        showResolved=Show Resolved                  866        reply=Reply                  867        objectNotFound=Object not plant                  868        reOpened=Re-opened                  869        markedAsResolved=Marked as resolved                  870        noCommentsFound=No comments plant                  871        comments=Comments                  872        timeAgo={1} agone                  873        confluenceCloud=Confluence Deject                  874        libraries=Libraries                  875        confAnchor=Confluence Folio Anchor                  876        confTimeout=The connection has timed out                  877        confSrvTakeTooLong=The server at {1} is taking also long to respond.                  878        confCannotInsertNew=Cannot insert describe.io diagram to a new Confluence page                  879        confSaveTry=Please save the page and try again.                  880        confCannotGetID=Unable to make up one's mind page ID                  881        confContactAdmin=Please contact your Confluence administrator.                  882        readErr=Read Error                  883        editingErr=Editing Mistake                  884        confExtEditNotPossible=This diagram cannot exist edited externally. Please try editing it while editing the page                  885        confEditedExt=Diagram/Page edited externally                  886        diagNotFound=Diagram Not Found                  887        confEditedExtRefresh=Diagram/Folio is edited externally. Please refresh the page.                  888        confCannotEditDraftDelOrExt=Cannot edit diagrams in a draft folio, diagram is deleted from the page, or diagram is edited externally. Please check the page.                  889        retBack=Return back                  890        confDiagNotPublished=The diagram does not vest to a published page                  891        createdByDraw=Created by depict.io                  892        filenameShort=Filename too brusk                  893        invalidChars=Invalid characters                  894        alreadyExst={i} already exists                  895        draftReadErr=Typhoon Read Fault                  896        diagCantLoad=Diagram cannot be loaded                  897        draftWriteErr=Draft Write Error                  898        draftCantCreate=Draft could not be created                  899        confDuplName=Indistinguishable diagram name detected. Please option another name.                  900        confSessionExpired=Looks like your session expired. Log in again to keep working.                  901        login=Login                  902        drawPrev=depict.io preview                  903        drawDiag=draw.io diagram                  904        invalidCallFnNotFound=Invalid Call: {1} non plant                  905        invalidCallErrOccured=Invalid Call: An error occurred, {1}                  906        anonymous=Anonymous                  907        confGotoPage=Go to containing page                  908        showComments=Show Comments                  909        confError=Error: {ane}                  910        gliffyImport=Gliffy Import                  911        gliffyImportInst1=Click the "Start Import" push to import all Gliffy diagrams to draw.io.                  912        gliffyImportInst2=Delight note that the import process will take some time and the browser window must remain open until the import is completed.                  913        startImport=Commencement Import                  914        drawConfig=draw.io Configuration                  915        customLib=Custom Libraries                  916        customTemp=Custom Templates                  917        pageIdsExp=Folio IDs Export                  918        drawReindex=draw.io re-indexing (beta)                  919        working=Working                  920        drawConfigNotFoundInst=draw.io Configuration Space (DRAWIOCONFIG) does not exist. This space is needed to store draw.io configuration files and custom libraries/templates.                  921        createConfSp=Create Config Space                  922        unexpErrRefresh=Unexpected error, please refresh the page and attempt again.                  923        configJSONInst=Write draw.io JSON configuration in the editor below then click save. If you demand help, please refer to                  924        thisPage=this page                  925        curCustLib=Electric current Custom Libraries                  926        libName=Library Proper noun                  927        action=Action                  928        drawConfID=depict.io Config ID                  929        addLibInst=Click the "Add Library" push to upload a new library.                  930        addLib=Add Library                  931        customTempInst1=Custom templates are draw.io diagrams saved in children pages of                  932        customTempInst2=For more details, delight refer to                  933        tempsPage=Templates page                  934        pageIdsExpInst1=Select consign target, then click the "Starting time Export" button to export all pages IDs.                  935        pageIdsExpInst2=Please note that the export procedure will take some time and the browser window must remain open up until the export is completed.                  936        startExp=Commencement Consign                  937        refreshDrawIndex=Refresh draw.io Diagrams Alphabetize                  938        reindexInst1=Click the "Showtime Indexing" push button to refresh draw.io diagrams index.                  939        reindexInst2=Please notation that the indexing process will take some time and the browser window must remain open until the indexing is completed.                  940        startIndexing=Beginning Indexing                  941        confAPageFoundFetch=Page "{1}" plant. Fetching                  942        confAAllDiagDone=All {ane} diagrams processed. Process finished.                  943        confAStartedProcessing=Started processing page "{1}"                  944        confAAllDiagInPageDone=All {i} diagrams in folio "{2}" processed successfully.                  945        confAPartialDiagDone={one} out of {2} {iii} diagrams in page "{4}" candy successfully.                  946        confAUpdatePageFailed=Updating page "{i}" failed.                  947        confANoDiagFoundInPage=No {1} diagrams establish in page "{2}".                  948        confAFetchPageFailed=Fetching the folio failed.                  949        confANoDiagFound=No {ane} diagrams constitute. Process finished.                  950        confASearchFailed=Searching for {one} diagrams failed. Delight try again later.                  951        confAGliffyDiagFound={two} diagram "{one}" plant. Importing                  952        confAGliffyDiagImported={2} diagram "{ane}" imported successfully.                  953        confASavingImpGliffyFailed=Saving imported {2} diagram "{ane}" failed.                  954        confAImportedFromByDraw=Imported from "{1}" by draw.io                  955        confAImportGliffyFailed=Importing {2} diagram "{one}" failed.                  956        confAFetchGliffyFailed=Fetching {ii} diagram "{1}" failed.                  957        confACheckBrokenDiagLnk=Checking for broken diagrams links.                  958        confADelDiagLinkOf=Deleting diagram link of "{1}"                  959        confADupLnk=(duplicate link)                  960        confADelDiagLnkFailed=Deleting diagram link of "{1}" failed.                  961        confAUnexpErrProcessPage=Unexpected error during processing the page with id: {1}                  962        confADiagFoundIndex=Diagram "{ane}" found. Indexing                  963        confADiagIndexSucc=Diagram "{i}" indexed successfully.                  964        confAIndexDiagFailed=Indexing diagram "{1}" failed.                  965        confASkipDiagOtherPage=Skipped "{i}" as it belongs to some other page!                  966        confADiagUptoDate=Diagram "{1}" is upwardly to engagement.                  967        confACheckPagesWDraw=Checking pages having draw.io diagrams.                  968        confAErrOccured=An error occurred!                  969        savedSucc=Saved successfully                  970        confASaveFailedErr=Saving Failed (Unexpected Fault)                  971        character=Character                  972        confAConfPageDesc=This folio contains depict.io configuration file (configuration.json) as attachment                  973        confALibPageDesc=This page contains draw.io custom libraries as attachments                  974        confATempPageDesc=This page contains depict.io custom templates as attachments                  975        working=Working                  976        confAConfSpaceDesc=This space is used to store describe.io configuration files and custom libraries/templates                  977        confANoCustLib=No Custom Libraries                  978        delFailed=Delete failed!                  979        showID=Evidence ID                  980        confAIncorrectLibFileType=Incorrect file type. Libraries should exist XML files.                  981        uploading=Uploading                  982        confALibExist=This library already exists                  983        confAUploadSucc=Uploaded successfully                  984        confAUploadFailErr=Upload Failed (Unexpected Fault)                  985        hiResPreview=High Res Preview                  986        officeNotLoggedGD=You are not logged in to Google Drive. Delight open up depict.io task pane and login kickoff.                  987        officePopupInfo=Please complete the procedure in the pop-upward window.                  988        pickODFile=Option OneDrive File                  989        createODFile=Create OneDrive File                  990        pickGDriveFile=Pick Google Drive File                  991        createGDriveFile=Create Google Bulldoze File                  992        pickDeviceFile=Selection Device File                  993        vsdNoConfig="vsdurl" is not configured                  994        ruler=Ruler                  995        units=Units                  996        points=Points                  997        inches=Inches                  998        millimeters=Millimeters                  999        confEditDraftDelOrExt=This diagram is in a draft page, is deleted from the page, or is edited externally. Information technology will be saved as a new zipper version and may not be reflected in the page.                  k        confDiagEditedExt=Diagram is edited in another session. Information technology will exist saved as a new attachment version but the folio volition show other session's modifications.                  1001        macroNotFound=Macro Not Found                  1002        confAInvalidPageIdsFormat=Incorrect Page IDs file format                  1003        confACollectingCurPages=Collecting electric current pages                  1004        confABuildingPagesMap=Building pages mapping                  1005        confAProcessDrawDiag=Started processing imported draw.io diagrams                  1006        confAProcessDrawDiagDone=Finished processing imported draw.io diagrams                  1007        confAProcessImpPages=Started processing imported pages                  1008        confAErrPrcsDiagInPage=Error processing draw.io diagrams in page "{1}"                  1009        confAPrcsDiagInPage=Processing depict.io diagrams in page "{1}"                  1010        confAImpDiagram=Importing diagram "{1}"                  1011        confAImpDiagramFailed=Importing diagram "{i}" failed. Cannot notice its new folio ID. Maybe it points to a page that is not imported.                  1012        confAImpDiagramError=Error importing diagram "{ane}". Cannot fetch or salve the diagram. Cannot fix this diagram links.                  1013        confAUpdateDgrmCCFailed=Updating link to diagram "{1}" failed.                  1014        confImpDiagramSuccess=Updating diagram "{1}" done successfully.                  1015        confANoLnksInDrgm=No links to update in: {1}                  1016        confAUpdateLnkToPg=Updated link to page: "{1}" in diagram: "{two}"                  1017        confAUpdateLBLnkToPg=Updated lightbox link to page: "{one}" in diagram: "{2}"                  1018        confAUpdateLnkBase=Updated base URL from: "{1}" to: "{two}" in diagram: "{three}"                  1019        confAPageIdsImpDone=Page IDs Import finished                  1020        confAPrcsMacrosInPage=Processing draw.io macros in page "{1}"                  1021        confAErrFetchPage=Error fetching folio "{i}"                  1022        confAFixingMacro=Fixing macro of diagram "{1}"                  1023        confAErrReadingExpFile=Error reading consign file                  1024        confAPrcsDiagInPageDone=Processing draw.io diagrams in page "{1}" finished                  1025        confAFixingMacroSkipped=Fixing macro of diagram "{1}" failed. Cannot detect its new folio ID. Mayhap information technology points to a folio that is non imported.                  1026        pageIdsExpTrg=Export target                  1027        confALucidDiagImgImported={2} diagram "{ane}" prototype extracted successfully                  1028        confASavingLucidDiagImgFailed=Extracting {2} diagram "{1}" image failed                  1029        confGetInfoFailed=Fetching file info from {1} failed.                  1030        confCheckCacheFailed=Cannot get cached file info.                  1031        confReadFileErr=Cannot read "{1}" file from {ii}.                  1032        confSaveCacheFailed=Unexpected mistake. Cannot salve cached file                  1033        orgChartType=Org Chart Blazon                  1034        linear=Linear                  1035        hanger2=Hanger 2                  1036        hanger4=Hanger iv                  1037        fishbone1=Fishbone 1                  1038        fishbone2=Fishbone 2                  1039        1ColumnLeft=Single Cavalcade Left                  1040        1ColumnRight=Single Column Right                  1041        smart=Smart                  1042        parentChildSpacing=Parent Child Spacing                  1043        siblingSpacing=Sibling Spacing                  1044        confNoPermErr=Lamentable, you don't have plenty permissions to view this embedded diagram from folio {1}                  1045        copyAsImage=Re-create as Epitome                  1046        lucidImport=Lucidchart Import                  1047        lucidImportInst1=Click the "Offset Import" button to import all Lucidchart diagrams.                  1048        installFirst=Please install {one} first                  1049        drawioChromeExt=draw.io Chrome Extension                  1050        loginFirstThen=Please login to {i} first, and so {ii}                  1051        errFetchDocList=Error: Couldn't fetch documents listing                  1052        builtinPlugins=Built-in Plugins                  1053        extPlugins=External Plugins                  1054        backupFound=Backup file found                  1055        chromeOnly=This characteristic merely works in Google Chrome                  1056        msgDeleted=This message has been deleted                  1057        confAErrFetchDrawList=Mistake fetching diagrams listing. Some diagrams are skipped.                  1058        confAErrCheckDrawDiag=Cannot check diagram {i}                  1059        confAErrFetchPageList=Error fetching pages list                  1060        confADiagImportIncom={i} diagram "{2}" is imported partially and may take missing shapes                  1061        invalidSel=Invalid selection                  1062        diagNameEmptyErr=Diagram name cannot be empty                  1063        openDiagram=Open Diagram                  1064        newDiagram=New diagram                  1065        editable=Editable                  1066        confAReimportStarted=Re-import {1} diagrams started...                  1067        spaceFilter=Filter past spaces                  1068        curViewState=Current Viewer Land                  1069        pageLayers=Page and Layers                  1070        customize=Customize                  1071        firstPage=First Page (All Layers)                  1072        curEditorState=Current Editor State                  1073        noAnchorsFound=No anchors constitute                  1074        attachment=Zipper                  1075        curDiagram=Electric current Diagram                  1076        recentDiags=Recent Diagrams                  1077        csvImport=CSV Import                  1078        chooseFile=Cull a file...                  1079        choose=Cull                  1080        gdriveFname=Google Drive filename                  1081        widthOfViewer=Width of the viewer (px)                  1082        heightOfViewer=Height of the viewer (px)                  1083        autoSetViewerSize=Automatically set the size of the viewer                  1084        thumbnail=Thumbnail                  1085        prevInDraw=Preview in draw.io                  1086        onedriveFname=OneDrive filename                  1087        diagFname=Diagram filename                  1088        diagUrl=Diagram URL                  1089        showDiag=Prove Diagram                  1090        diagPreview=Diagram Preview                  1091        csvFileUrl=CSV File URL                  1092        generate=Generate                  1093        selectDiag2Insert=Please select a diagram to insert it.                  1094        errShowingDiag=Unexpected error. Cannot prove diagram                  1095        noRecentDiags=No contempo diagrams found                  1096        fetchingRecentFailed=Failed to fetch recent diagrams                  1097        useSrch2FindDiags=Use the search box to discover draw.io diagrams                  1098        cantReadChckPerms=Cannot read the specified diagram. Please bank check yous take read permission on that file.                  1099        cantFetchChckPerms=Cannot fetch diagram info. Delight check you have read permission on that file.                  1100        searchFailed=Searching failed. Please endeavour again later.                  1101        plsTypeStr=Please type a search string.                  1102        unsupportedFileChckUrl=Unsupported file. Please check the specified URL                  1103        diagNotFoundChckUrl=Diagram not found or cannot be accessed. Please check the specified URL                  1104        csvNotFoundChckUrl=CSV file not found or cannot be accessed. Please check the specified URL                  1105        cantReadUpload=Cannot read the uploaded diagram                  1106        select=Select                  1107        errCantGetIdType=Unexpected Mistake: Cannot get content id or type.                  1108        errGAuthWinBlocked=Error: Google Authentication window blocked                  1109        authDrawAccess=Authorize draw.io to access {1}                  1110        connTimeout=The connectedness has timed out                  1111        errAuthSrvc=Error authenticating to {1}                  1112        plsSelectFile=Delight select a file                  1113        mustBgtZ={1} must exist greater than zero                  1114        cantLoadPrev=Cannot load file preview.                  1115        errAccessFile=Mistake: Access Denied. Yous do not have permission to access "{1}".                  1116        noPrevAvail=No preview is available.                  1117        personalAccNotSup=Personal accounts are not supported.                  1118        errSavingTryLater=Error occurred during saving, please try again later on.                  1119        plsEnterFld=Please enter {ane}                  1120        invalidDiagUrl=Invalid Diagram URL                  1121        unsupportedVsdx=Unsupported vsdx file                  1122        unsupportedImg=Unsupported image file                  1123        unsupportedFormat=Unsupported file format                  1124        plsSelectSingleFile=Please select a single file merely                  1125        attCorrupt=Attachment file "{1}" is corrupted                  1126        loadAttFailed=Failed to load attachment "{1}"                  1127        embedDrawDiag=Embed draw.io Diagram                  1128        addDiagram=Add Diagram                  1129        embedDiagram=Embed Diagram                  1130        editOwningPg=Edit owning page                  1131        deepIndexing=Deep Indexing (Index diagrams that aren't used in whatsoever page likewise)                  1132        confADeepIndexStarted=Deep Indexing Started                  1133        confADeepIndexDone=Deep Indexing Done                  1134        officeNoDiagramsSelected=No diagrams establish in the choice                  1135        officeNoDiagramsInDoc=No diagrams establish in the document                  1136        officeNotSupported=This characteristic is not supported in this host application                  1137        someImagesFailed={1} out of {2} failed due to the post-obit errors                  1138        importingNoUsedDiagrams=Importing {1} Diagrams not used in pages                  1139        importingDrafts=Importing {1} Diagrams in drafts                  1140        processingDrafts=Processing drafts                  1141        updatingDrafts=Updating drafts                  1142        updateDrafts=Update drafts                  1143        notifications=Notifications                  1144        drawioImp=draw.io Import                  1145        confALibsImp=Importing draw.io Libraries                  1146        confALibsImpFailed=Importing {ane} library failed                  1147        contributors=Contributors                  1148        drawDiagrams=describe.io Diagrams                  1149        errFileNotFoundOrNoPer=Error: Access Denied. File non establish or y'all practice not take permission to access "{1}" on {2}.                  1150        confACheckPagesWEmbed=Checking pages having embedded depict.io diagrams.                  1151        confADelBrokenEmbedDiagLnk=Removing broken embedded diagram links                  1152        replaceWith=Supercede with                  1153        replaceAll=Replace All                  1154        confASkipDiagModified=Skipped "{1}" every bit information technology was modified later initial import                  1155        replFind=Replace/Discover                  1156        matchesRepl={1} matches replaced                  1157        draftErrDataLoss=An error occurred while reading the draft file. The diagram cannot be edited now to prevent whatever possible data loss. Delight try again subsequently or contact support.                  1158        ibm=IBM                  1159        linkToDiagramHint=Add a link to this diagram. The diagram can just be edited from the page that owns it.                  1160        linkToDiagram=Link to Diagram                  1161        changedBy=Inverse By                  1162        lastModifiedOn=Last modified on                  1163        searchResults=Search Results                  1164        showAllTemps=Show all templates                  1165        notionToken=Notion Token                  1166        selectDB=Select Database                  1167        noDBs=No Databases                  1168        diagramEdited={ane} diagram "{2}" edited                  1169        confDraftPermissionErr=Draft cannot be written. Do you have attachment write/read permission on this page?                  1170        confDraftTooBigErr=Draft size is too large. Pease check "Attachment Maximum Size" of "Attachment Settings" in Confluence Configuration?                  1171        owner=Owner                  1172        repository=Repository                  1173        co-operative=Branch                  1174        meters=Meters                  1175        teamsNoEditingMsg=Editor functionality is only available in Desktop environment (in MS Teams App or a web browser)                  1176        contactOwner=Contact Possessor                  1177        viewerOnlyMsg=You cannot edit the diagrams in the mobile platform, please utilise the desktop client or a web browser.                  1178        website=Website                  1179        check4Updates=Check for updates                  1180        attWriteFailedRetry={1}: Attachment write failed, trying once more in {2} seconds...                  1181        confPartialPageList=We couldn't fetch all pages due to an error in Confluence. Continuing using {ane} pages only.                  1182        spellCheck=Spell checker                  1183        noChange=No Modify                  1184        lblToSvg=Convert labels to SVG                  1185        txtSettings=Text Settings                  1186        LinksLost=Links will be lost                  1187        arcSize=Arc Size                  1188        editConnectionPoints=Edit Connectedness Points                  1189        notInOffline=Not supported while offline                  1190        notInDesktop=Non supported in Desktop App                  1191        confConfigSpaceArchived=describe.io Configuration space (DRAWIOCONFIG) is archived. Please restore it first.                  1192        confACleanOldVerStarted=Cleaning old diagram draft versions started                  1193        confACleanOldVerDone=Cleaning old diagram draft versions finished                  1194        confACleaningFile=Cleaning diagram draft "{1}" former versions                  1195        confAFileCleaned=Cleaning diagram draft "{1}" done                  1196        confAFileCleanFailed=Cleaning diagram draft "{one}" failed                  1197        confACleanOnly=Clean Diagram Drafts Only                  1198        brush=Castor                  1199        openDevTools=Open Developer Tools      


Source: https://fossies.org/linux/drawio/src/main/webapp/resources/dia_mr.txt

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